Corey Davies

2nd Degree Senior Instructor

Training Since: 2013

Teaching Since: 2016

Technique of Choice: Elbow

Weapon of Choice: Dagger

Corey was introduced to Arakan in 2013 and quickly became a committed student, falling in love with the art and the Club.

A compassionate instructor with a big heart, Corey trains hard and demonstrates how even big guys can move fast. He teaches the practical, effective self-defence Arakan offers, showing students how to protect themselves in real-life situations.

Corey’s passion for Arakan extends to his whole family, who now trains with him. Outside of teaching, he enjoys hardcore music, shows, graffiti art, and great food. His greatest achievement is teaching Arakan to others and grading his Orange Belt.

Student Testimonials

I was introduced to Arakan through Corey in 2015 and is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I had no idea what Arakan was until my wife, and I had our first lesson with Corey, and we were instantly impressed and instantly hooked. He is such a humble, professional, and experienced instructor and made us feel at ease straight away. In our first lesson he taught us some techniques and demonstrated some of those on me with pinpoint precision but extreme control which not only further confirmed that he is a professional, but Arakan is the real deal. 5 years on and my girlfriend and I still train several times every week with Corey. Not only is he a weapon of an instructor and life coach but also a close friend. Corey leads by example and lives and breathes Arakan. He is a true professional and strives to get the best out of each and every one of his students and pushes them to be the best version of themselves in every lesson.

Luke Wilson

I've been training under Corey for over six years and in that time, he has helped me to become a stronger and more confident version of myself. Corey inspired me to become an instructor and remains an inspiration for me to grow stronger every day.

Stuart Norris

An unsung hero, who sits in the background and doesn't understand how much he has to offer! His greatest gift is to make simple sense of complex tasks, breakdown moves to their components and structure solutions for improvement. His other great skill is tolerance and understanding.

Mark Walmsley

Corey makes everyone around him want to be better versions of themselves. He is genuine and his passion for Arakan shows in everything he says and does. 

Domonique Lloyd

I have been training with Corey now for over 4 years and initially i started training with him to get some basic fitness. I had my first complimentary lesson with Corey and was show the backfist and how to generate more power to that blow with some "technique". It was amazing to realise the difference in the power of the blow. Corey has since trained me every week since that time and (has patiently) explained everything concisely (many times) to assist my growth with Arakan Martial Art. It was apparent from the outset that Corey was passionate and considerate but his understanding of Arakan enabled him to teach the art at a very understandable level right through to being enabled to grade my first belt.
I now train with Corey to gain greater understanding of the next belt requirements but due to the exposure to Coreys passion and understanding of Arakan, is now not just about grading but more about a journey of learning that is continuous. The health benefits have been great for me personally and I cannot thank Corey enough for what he has helped me to achieve. I highly recommend him as an Arakan Instructor and have entrusted him to start training with my 14 year old son. Again, I see Corey gently working away with him and encouraging him. The benefits of having some knowledge, of what he is being Instructed, only brings us closer and gives us a better bond. Exponentially, my eldest son trains and my youngest daughter has trained for 4 years (this month, Jan 2020) as well, so it really has become a family affair.

Mark Barlow

Having Corey as my Instructor is a genuine pleasure. It’s never a chore or an effort to have a lesson with him. With my varying work schedule, Corey is always happy to accommodate this with little fuss, which is greatly appreciated.

Michael Bovingdon

Corey is a true Arakan warrior with so much passion and heart in his teaching and training. Corey is an absolute pleasure to be around.

Nick Stowell

Corey is the most humble instructor who contributes so much to the club while being honest and modest.

Daniel Lin

I enjoy training with Corey, he is and extremely polite, genuine person,

Matt Fitch

Exceptional communication. Breakdown and builds lesson techniques well. Very positive, exceptionally well natured. It is a pleasure to have met Corey & privileged to be trained by him.

Justin Fisher

Book a complimentary intro lesson with Corey Davies

*Limited places available, subject to instructor availability.

"Thank you so much for the wonderful Arakan activity on Asia Day. Your boys/young men are so wonderful with the kids. 

It is amazing how many of the girls love the activity! Nearly all of them said that it was not long enough!

Thank you again. We really appreciate it!"

Jennifer George - Year 6 Leader - Somerset College

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