Toby Bevan


Toby began his training in 2021 after attending a friend's invitation to a bring a friend. He was looking for a consistent physical activity outside of playing rugby league.

Through his Arakan training, Toby realised the importance of regular exercise and the positive impact it had on his overall well-being. He noticed positive changes in various aspects of his life, both physically and mentally.

Known for his mature outlook and ability to connect with others, Toby approaches life with a student mindset. He is always eager to learn, whether it's from listening to others or through his Arakan practice. He is an open and understanding person, making him easy to get along with.

Inspired by his own personal growth, Toby decided to start teaching to inspire others. He believes that everyone can experience personal development through movement and the practical applications of Arakan in everyday life.

Student Testimonials

I have been training alongside Toby for several years now. It has been awesome to watch his skill, awareness, and mentality transform into that of someone who is now a confident and knowledgeable Instructor! Toby’s dedication to expanding upon his skill as both a student and teacher is admirable, and I know that this dedication to his journey will be continued into guiding and mentoring his future students’ journeys I would definitely recommend Toby as your instructor if you are looking for someone patient and helpful, but also a great mentor and friend. 
Keeley Barlow 

Toby's love and enthusiasm for Arakan are evident in every lesson I’ve been fortunate enough to have with him. With each lesson, Toby creates a positive and welcoming atmosphere that enables me to push myself and fully commit to each technique, regardless of how awkward it may initially feel (or look!). As a newcomer, I find this invaluable in building my self-confidence and learning to simply have fun with the process. Each instruction is always articulated in a clear and concise manner, ensuring I’m never overwhelmed and always feel confident at every step of the way. Upon meeting Toby, it was immediately apparent how much he enjoys teaching and helping others grow. Toby’s patience, dedication, and encouragement are all qualities that exemplify a great instructor.
Sebastian Focas

I would like to pass on my thoughts & experiences with a new instructor Toby Bevan, I have been fortunate enough to have him as my instructor, I found him to be a very dedicated teacher who not only pushed me to excel beyond my expectations, but took the time every lesson to explain the importance & benefits of correct positioning & patience, while learning new techniques & how to deliver a strike with maximum effectiveness, I would have no hesitation in recommending Toby to anyone new looking for an instructor who displays the very best of ARAKAN values & principles. I  will always be grateful to Toby for helping to install those skills into my ARAKAN training, & lifestyle. Thanks Toby.
Rick O'Regan

Toby - Highly recommend!
A very pleasant, quite animated and natural teacher (of anything) who, obviously relishes this subject. 
Has clear objectives in his lessons, demonstrates and communicates well and gives precise instructions. The latter I liked particularly.
He is very easy to learn from.
I have trained around 2 years and did a 10 session block with Toby recently. Very useful training I thought….and acknowledging I am certainly no expert!
He trains under Benett Stone, an excellent instructor.
My best advice is
"Give him a shot."




Book a complimentary intro lesson with Toby Bevan

*Limited places available, subject to instructor availability.


Arakan has helped Talia immensely.

It has given her discipline, greater confidence, focus and self-esteem. She now has greater awareness of bullies at her school and is assertive when required.

It has been the best activity that I have invested in for my child.


Amy, Mother of Talia

Knowing and recognising the signs that your child is being bullied is an important first step towards helping your child. The effects of bullying may be longstanding and may carry through from childhood to adulthood. These signs may be also point to other issues or problems, such as depression or substance abuse.


Neuroplasticity (also known as brain plasticity or brain malleability) is the brains ability to reorganise itself. New research shows this phenomenon continues throughout our adult life.